Queens College
Art – Photography & Imaging
Senior Photography Thesis
Spring 2025
Klapper 140
Instructor: Matt Greco
Office: Klapper 106
Hours: By Appt
Course Website:
Course Description:
The final semester of the BFA in Photography & Imaging program will be a culmination of all previous work completed by students to develop a thesis with well-defined, imaginative ideas represented by a strong and cohesive body of work which will be exhibited to the public. Students will demonstrate advanced digital and analog techniques, combined with a creative vision and a personal aesthetic in the production of a final portfolio for their thesis exhibition. In addition to creating a final portfolio, students will produce professional materials for printed and online promotional purpose and presentations. There will be discussions of historical and contemporary photography as well as gallery and museum visits. Readings will cover early and contemporary theory and analysis of photography. Students will learn knowledge of professional exhibition procedures and artistic practices and how to prepare for the job market, graduate school, and other future endeavors.
Course Objectives:
At the close of this course the successful student will create and host a professional website of their work and create several pieces of content for that site including an artist statement, a bio, a CV, and an organized portfolio. Students will establish a social media presence to disseminate their work as well as learn best practices in introduction and correspondence for conducting themselves professionally in the photography world. They will expand their vocabulary to include the proper terminology for creating and critiquing photographs. Students will use this vocabulary to engage in meaningful critique of their images and the images of their peers. They will demonstrate the ability to think creatively, form project ideas, and follow those ideas from conception to realization. Students will become familiar with the historical and contemporary critical and theoretical discourse surrounding photography through readings and discussion. Students will participate in the Photography & Thesis Exhibition to show the depth and extent of their knowledge.
Course Requirements:
Students will be expected to complete all assignments on time and to the best of their ability. Students are expected to attend every class but life does happen so you get 3 absences, after that, additional absences will likely result in missed material and thus a lower grade. Be on time please; tardiness is as bad as absences; I will begin class a few minutes late to give everyone time to get settled in – do not abuse this. This is a small section so this course will run more like a seminar than a regular course. Most of your assignments will be given online leaving our meeting time for discussion. We will meet as a group twice a month depending on schedules and will meet at the end of the semester for your final presentations.
Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should register with the Special Services Office by emailing For more information about services available to Queens College students, visit the Office of Special Services website:
CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity:
Only your own photos, images and/or writing are permitted for use in projects. The unauthorized use of images and compositions that are not your own is considered plagiarism. Academic Dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion as provided at
Course Website:
Please check our course website every week for updates to the syllabus or schedule, links to information and resources, and a student gallery page where we will showcase your work throughout the semester.
Assignments (1-2 pgs., double spaced, submitted as Teams or Google doc):
1- Artist Statement
A concise paragraph or two that describes your work, influence, and purpose as an artist.
2- CV
Stands for “Curriculum Vitae” – like a resume except more about your academic and artistic accomplishments.
3- Artist Biography
A written narrative of your education and major professional accomplishments
4- Organized Portfolio(s)
You will organize your different bodies of work into portfolio folders in preparation for loading them to your website.
5- Website
Claim a domain, hosting, and create a professional website populated with all the written content and organized portfolios.
6- Photography & Imaging Thesis Exhibition
Students will participate in the thesis exhibition and assist in its installation
Thesis Exhibition – 40%
Written assignments – 10%
Organized Portfolio – 10%
Website and Final Presentation– 40%
You can utilize the Klapper Imaging Lab in Klapper Hall 108 to print files for this course. The prints will be paid for through your M&T fee. Students will be required to submit your files to the lab to be printed.
Field Trip:
We will take a field trip to visit a museum or gallery to be determined. While I recommend you visit with the group when I am there you can visit the museum or gallery on your own. It is required that you make the visit sometime during the semester.
Check all equipment to ensure good operation, especially jump drives and portable hard drives. Lost images, corrupted disks, etc. are not acceptable excuses for missed assignments. BACK UP EVERYTHING OFTEN.
Required Reading:
Making it in the Art World by Brainard Carey
We will not read the entire text; I will provide the chapters required as PDFs. No need to purchase unless you would like to have a copy.
Photography: A 21st Century Practice by Mark Chen; Chelsea Shannon
We will not read the entire text; I will provide the chapters required as PDFs. No need to purchase unless you would like to have a copy.
Recommended Reading:
– The Essence of Photography: Seeing & Creativity by Bruce Barnbaum
– Classic Essays on Photography by Alan Trachtenberg (edited)
Schedule (subject to change):
Week 1: 1.30
Discussion (in-person)
course outline, review syllabus, schedule for thesis exhibition, schedule of in-person meetings
Week 2: 2.6
Choose 15 of your best photographs for Thesis Exhibition March 17th – 21st
Save for presentation to class for 2.20
Artist Statement – Read Chapter 9 Content and Concept and 9.5 Craft, Composition, Content, and Concept from Photography: A 21st Century Practice
Assignment #1A – Four C Profiling Yourself
Week 3: 2.13
Assignments cont.
Choose 15 of your best photographs for Thesis Exhibition
Save for presentation to class for 2.20
Read Chapter 14 Words from Photography: A 21st Century Practice
Read Chapter 5 The Artist Statement and The Critic from Making it in the Art World
Assignment #1B – Create outline for artist statement, create 1st draft of artist statement.
Week 4: 2.20
Discussion (in-person or zoom)
Present final 15 choice for critique
Finalize choices for thesis exhibition
Size, edit, and send to print for 3.13
Discuss Chapter 9 Content and Concept and 9.5 Craft, Composition, Content, and Concept from Photography: A 21st Century Practice
Discuss Chapter 14 Words from Photography: A 21st Century Practice
Discuss Chapter 5 The Artist Statement and The Critic from Making it in the Art World Discuss CV and bio
Assignment #1B – Review and revise 1st draft of artist statement
Assignment #2 – Draft CV
Assignment #3 – Draft bio
Week 5: 2.27
Assignments cont.
Finalize choices for thesis exhibition
Size, edit, and send to print for 3.13
Assignments cont.
Assignment #1B – Review and revise 1st draft of artist statement
Assignment #2 – Draft CV
Assignment #3 – Draft bio
Week 6: 3.6
**Drop Deadline for submitting files to lab for print for thesis exhibition**
Week 7: 3.13 (in-person)
Final Day for Preparing work for Thesis Exhibition
All work delivered to Klapper 108 ready-to-hang
Assignments cont.
Assignment #1B – Review and revise 2nd draft of artist statement
Assignment #2 – Review and revise 1st draft of CV
Assignment #3 – Review and revise 1st draft of bio
Week 7.5: 3.16 (in-person) Optional (kinda)
Assist in the installation of the 2025 Photography & Imaging Thesis Exhibition
Week 8: 3.20 (in-person)
2025 Photography & Imaging Thesis Exhibition
Reception 5-8pm
Week 9: 3.27
Read Chapter 10 Development and Presentation and Chapter 10.5 Money from Photography: A 21st Century Practice
Read Chapter 3 Presentation Tools & Techniques for Artists from Making it in the Art World
Assignment #2 – Review and revise 2nd draft of CV
Assignment #3 – Review and revise 2nd draft of bio
Week 10: 4.3
Assignment #5 ¬- Research photo websites for best practices, choose 3 to share.
Research website platforms (hosts) – Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, Icompendium, etc.
Choose platform – watch training videos to learn how to create your website.
Week 11: 4.10
Discussion (in-person or zoom)
Discuss best websites, various menu options, website platforms. Create site map.
Assignment #5 – Claim account with chosen host, claim domain name, choose theme or template – create pages/menu.
Assignment #4 – Discuss organizing your work for website – separating your work into distinct portfolios, editing, sequence.
Week 12: 4.17
Week 13: 4.24
Discussion (in-person)
Discuss best websites, various menu options, website platforms. Create site map.
Assignment #5 – Claim account with chosen host, claim domain name, choose theme or template – create pages/menu.
Assignment #4 – Discuss organizing your work for website – separating your work into distinct portfolios, editing, sequence.
Website setup – choose site style: font, colors, background, galleries.
Finalize portfolios, organize files into folders – upload to website.
Finalize artist statement, CV, and bio – upload to website.
Establish social media presence – LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
Week 14: 5.1 (on location)
Field Trip: TBD
Assignments cont.
website build-out
Week 15: 5.8
Discussion (in-person or zoom)
Workday – finish up adding content to website in prep for final crit.
Week 16: 5.15
Discussion (in-person)
Final Crit
Each student will show a hosted website with required written and visual content.
Making it in the Art World by Brainard Carey
- Chapter 3 Presentation Tools & Techniques for Artists
- Chapter 5 The Artists Statement and the Critic
Photography: A 21st Century Practice by Mark Chen; Chelsea Shannon
- Chapter 9 Content and Concept
- Chapter 9.5 Craft, Composition, Content, and Concept
- Chapter 10 Development and Presentation and Chapter 10.5 Money
- Chapter 14 Words
Assignments (1-2 pgs., double spaced, submitted as Teams or Google doc):
1- Artist Statement
A concise paragraph or two that describes your work, influence, and purpose as an artist.
Examples of Artists Statements
2- CV
Stands for “Curriculum Vitae” – like a resume except more about your academic and artistic accomplishments.
Example CV 1 Example CV 2 Example CV3
CV Template (right click>”Save Link As…” to download template)
3- Artist Biography
A written narrative of your education and major professional accomplishments
4- Cover Letter
A piece of narrative writing used to introduce yourself, express interest in a certain job, and lay out your skills and experience.
4- Organize Portfolios
You will organize your different bodies of work into portfolio folders in preparation for loading them to your website.
5- Website
Claim a domain, hosting, and create a professional website populated with all the written content and organized portfolios.
Online Job Boards:
Popular Web Hosting/Building:
Tutorials for Popular Web Hosting/Building:
Login to LinkedIn Learning
Wix – or Wix on LinkedIn Learning here
Squarespace – or Squarespace on LinkedIn Learning here
WordPress – or WordPress on LinkedIn Learning here
Domain Name Registration:
Adobe CC
LinkedIn Learning (was
Equipment Reviews:
Online Photography Magazines:
Photography Exhibitions in NYC:
New York Photo Diary
Joel Meyerowitz – What you put in the Frame determines the photograph
Keith Loutit Tilt-Shift Time-lapse Videos
Slow Mo Guys showing a DSLR shutter at 10,000 FPS
Other Guys Bar Scene:
This is the Bar Scene from the movie “The Other Guys” and this is a “How they did it” with Phillips’ “Carousel” which is the same technique